
My family seemed to survive ok - although Leanne, Aidan, Carolyn and Lorraine all had covid symptoms at one time or another.  Lorraine got shopping for Leanne and Carolyn and helped out where she could.

stayed in our house which was convenient for both of us.  She had soon worked out how to work from the garden, and set herself up with the sun bed and umbrella to enjoy the lovely weather.  (It is funny to see a mirror image of our garden behind her "selfie").

She organised an Easter Egg hunt - by hiding eggs around our house and then sending photos to the Family WhatsApp group to see who would be first to find them all.

She organised a family quiz via WhatsApp too

And had a jigsaw puzzle on the go in the living room.

She took possession of her flat at the end of May, having rented it out for many years, and had some improvement work done and the whole flat decorated.  It looked really lovely in the photos.  She will move into it eventually - but if we are still in Devon she has said she will continue to spend a couple of nights a week at our house to keep an eye on it.

Carolyn was given a face mask made from an old bra by Ifty's mum - but as she said her nose wasn't size DD!

Leanne, Ifty and the boys seemed to manage ok in their small flat - and got out on their little terrace whenever they could.  Certainly whenever she sent photos they all seemed to be smiling!  

Aidan was 3 on 10 May - and she sent a nice pic of him playing with the garage and cars we sent him (thank goodness for Amazon!)

Amanda had a puzzle on the go too, although how she managed to do it on that cloth I don't know!

Spanish lock down was even more severe than in the UK - the kids weren't allowed out at all, and she was only allowed to go to her local supermarket.  However by 26 April they had been eased and the kids could go to the beach, and they could have friends round for a barbecue.  Sam didn't see the kids for a month, but once the restrictions were eased a little he had them most weekends, which gave Amanda a break.  

Jayne bought them some little things from India, including this sari and hair decoration for Bethany, and I posted them off - took 3 weeks to get there!

Harrison was 4 on 7 June, he had a birthday haircut (and Bethany got some new clothes) and another barbecue was had

Here he is reading our card and speaking into it as if we were there aw bless him
(it may take some time to load, and you may have to allow pop ups or redirects)

Once Sam was able to have the kids, Amanda got some time to herself at weekends.  She went out for a day with Jo and her husband Cisco on their boat.  

Bethany badgered Amanda to colour her hair - and we were all amazed at how grown up she looked afterwards.

and then she lost her front tooth!


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