My "exercise" walk round town

One of my friends in London asked me to send a few photos of what I was seeing when I went on my walks.  I've got plenty of the moor etc - but the next day was a beautiful sunny crisp day so I decided to do my "exercise" walk round the town and take some photos. (Click on the photos to enlarge)

This photo is looking back to the bungalow from the end of the drive as I set off.

Here is Coombe Close leading to Drake Road looking down to the right as I leave the drive.  

However I am turning left and heading uphill.

On the right there is a cut through to the next road, Rendells Meadow, where there is a reasonable size piece of grassland and trees on the top of the hill (presumably Rendells Meadow!!).  This is a useful place to bring Suki for a quick sniff and play with a ball etc (in the old days - she's not interested in much more than sniffing now and can't walk very far). 

The cut through from our road

I take a detour to go up on to the hill where there is a fabulous view of the moor - you can just see Hay Tor peeping up above the horizon (you may need to zoom in).

Back on Coombe Close, I walk uphill towards the church.  There is a road (one arrow), which turns into a track, which goes straight up the hill behind the church.  I do that one when I feel I need to do a hill!  Or if I want a longer walk.  It's quite tough.

Turning left at the top of Coombe Close I carry on uphill towards the church.  This is the main road through the town - and is narrow and twisty here.  Mike always uses the road, but I use the path at the side.  Mike likes to whizz down this road all the way home from the church - much to the amazement of the passers by and the consternation of the little old ladies leaving the service!

I pass the church to reach the brow of the hill

 - you can see the ringing room window at the side of the tower - the ringers entrance is just below

Over the brow of the hill I start to descend into the High Street.  This is the lovely view I see after ringing each week when we leave the church and head for the pub!  And at night it is so quiet too!

About half way down I turn right - taking a last look down the High Street, with the distillery on the right where they make Dartmoor Whisky (it used to be the Town Hall).

As I pass the distillery I look left to see the ringers pub - and the Chinese takeaway next door 😀

The road goes uphill again, passing by one of the town car parks - again with gorgeous views across to the moor.

I turn left just before the top of the hill on a road which contours round high above the town. The houses and bungalows on this road have stunning views across to the moor.

At the end of the road there is a small nature reserve/patch of trees - too slippery to take photos!!  I slither down it and walk through to a small grassy field. This is another little detour from my usual exercise route - not nice when wet but a nice one when dry.  I look back at the lovely colours of the trees.  The other side of the trees is the Parke estate - a National Trust property with lots of lovely walks and a long railway track which is a good one for Mike.  You can get to it under the road (where the poo bin is) - you have to bend over to walk under the road as it is lower than head height!

On the far side of the field is the River Bovey - and on the other side of the river is Mill Marsh Park - the usual route through to Parke - with a playground and skate park.

I go through the field and back up to rejoin my exercise route - taking me back to the High Street past the School (Primary) and Library.

Just past the Library there is this lovely arch across half of the road - when I'm driving this road I never know whether to go through the arch or not and usually end up going round it on the wrong side of the road!

Reaching the High Street I look left up the hill towards the Distillery.  The Cromwell Arms is where the Barnes Ringers stayed when they based the Summer Trip here.  They had a few problems with it - but it is under new management now and we had a lovely meal there recently (before we were locked down again!).

At the bottom of the High Street is a quaint bridge over the River Bovey

On one side is Mill Marsh Park

And on the other is the old Mill wheel

There are toilets here at the car park - often providing much needed relief!!

One last look back up the High Street - and then I turn off down Le Molay Litry way to complete my circuit.

Past the Surgery - where, as you can see, everyone parks on the double yellow lines!!

It is a long road with bends

Passing this road on the left, I am reminded there is a mini ring up there in a garage (house behind the cars on the RH photo) where I have rung 4 peals!

When the road straightens you can see my turn on the left.  This is a useful way of identifying when to turn for people coming to see us who are not familiar with the area.

The poo bin is at the end of a bridleway which runs along the back of our house and makes a more pleasant route when it is dry but is very wet and muddy at the moment

So I carry on to the left turn - Newbury Road

Turn left again into Drake Road

Which leads back into Coombe Close

The big yellow bungalow is the house next door with whom we share a drive - our bungalow is tucked away nicely out of sight, although you can just see our white gate post with no 33 on it.

I finish with a photo of the view from the back door over the roof of the shed to the big hill behind the church as I remove my boots!!

Another lovely walk - and a good step count


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